(231) 499-3256Request Inspection


Seller Inspection Checklist

30 items to check that may help sell your home

Want some helpful tips to help sell your listing? Check out the list below! Download


  1. ____ Ensure all utilities are ON
  2. ____ Make sure access to attic, garage walls, electrical panel & crawl space are clear
  3. ____ Ensure all pets are in a safe location
  • Buyers will often come to the inspection. Ensure kitchen and bathrooms are clean. Change your furnace filters and leave your number for the inspector in case there are questions.


  1. ____ Make sure gutters are clean
  2. ____ Fix loose shingles
  3. ____ Check wood siding for decay
  4. ____ Make sure all steps are secure
  5. ____ Ensure stair hand rails are secure
  6. ____ Ensure deck boards are secure
  7. ____ Make sure hose bibs are secure


  1. ____ Check auto reverse on overhead door
  2. ____ Clear clutter away from walls
  3. ____ Check for damaged drywall between garage & home for fire rating


  1. ____ Ensure windows open and close
  2. ____ Check windows for seal leaks
  3. ____ Ensure receptacles are secure
  4. ____ Ensure doors open and close
  5. ____ Repair holes in walls & doors
  6. ____ Check ceiling fans
  7. ____ Replace bad light bulbs


  1. ____ Fill sinks, check for drain leaks
  2. ____ Check disposal and dishwasher
  3. ____ Check cabinets and drawers
  4. ____ Check stove burners
  5. ____ Check stove's broil and bake functions
  6. ____ Check caulk/grout of counters
  7. ____ Ensure toilets are secure
  8. ____ Check faucet water pressure
  9. ____ Check for cracked tiles
  10. ____ Check for any leaks